Get Involved

Health. Equity. Hope.

Get Involved with 

Positively Living & Choice Health Network 

Positively Living & Choice Health Network serves nearly 6,000 individuals and families struggling to survive the challenges created by HIV, homelessness, mental illness and substance use. Our three programmatic pillars include:

  1. A Medical Clinic that provides disease testing, treatment, and prevention;
  2. Client Services which includes mental healthcare and counseling, along with food, housing, and transportation emergency aid;
  3. Our Harm Reduction program which offers a free syringe services exchange, naloxone distribution, fentanyl test strips, and resources for our neighbors who use substances.

In 2020 we launched a Capital Campaign: A New Home for Health, Equity, and Hope, to fund our expansion and renovations of our new headquarters at 1925 Ailor Avenue in Knoxville. This initiative will enable thousands of individuals to access the care they need, when they need it, all in a single location. And, it is taking a long-ago abandoned and blighted building and transforming it into an active center of care, improving the neighborhood as a whole. Achieving this campaign is absolutely critical in ensuring our agency has the space, capacity, and tools necessary to continue providing life-saving services to East Tennessee’s most vulnerable citizens.

We could not do this work without support from the community and people like you.  To become a donor, please reach out to Angela Bartlett at [email protected].

Our Signature Events

Dining Out For Life

Dining Out For Life is an international fundraising event that supports both HIV service organizations and local restaurants.

Summer Swing

Summer Swing is a party with a purpose, benefiting Choice Health Network and helping provide needed care and support to clients.

People of Courage

People of Courage is an awards luncheon that recognizes the recipients’ contributions to HIV awareness and the LGBTQ+ community.

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Find us in the Community

  • Pride
  • Education groups
  • World AIDS Day
  • HCV education and outreach
  • Testing at local businesses
  • AllOutKnox