This recent article by Sarah Varney with NPR, “Strides Against HIV/AIDS In The U.S. Falter As Resources Diverted To Fight COVID-19” is alarming. COVID-19 has shifted priorities in the medical community, and “delays in [HIV] testing and treatment carry particularly grievous risks in Southern states, now the epicenter of the nation’s HIV crisis. ”One large commercial lab reported 700,000 fewer HIV screening tests across the U.S., a 45% drop compared to the year before. Prescriptions for PrEP also have fallen sharply. The South accounts for 51% of new HIV infections. Tennessee is in the top 8 states that account for the highest rates of new diagnoses and half of all HIV-related deaths nationwide. Please help us continue fighting HIV & AIDS at full force by donating today during this precarious time. With your support, Positively Living & Choice Health Network will continue to: Conduct safe, in-person medical visits with our fully vaccinated staff. Distribute free condoms and free rapid HIV and HCV testing. Prescribe HIV prevention PrEP and PEP, and check-in with our clients to ensure they are sticking to the medication’s schedule. Together we will keep working toward the eradication of HIV and AIDS, even in the face of COVID-19. Thank you for your support. Click here to donate now. |